Now showing items 31-40 of 85
Reduction of armaments and the Organisation of peace
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Permanent Mandates Commission: Fourteenth session of the Commission, Geneva 26th October to 13th November 1928
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Economic and Financial Organisation. Revised Edition
(Information Section, League of Nations Secretariat, Geneva, 1928)
Reduction of armaments and the organisation of peace. Revised Edition
(Information Section, League of Nations Secretariat, Geneva, 1928)
Financial Questions: General report submitted by the fourth committee to the assembly at its ninth ordinary session
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Draft disarmament convention submitted by the delegation of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Financial Assistance to States Victims of Aggression
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Financial position on 31st August 1928
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Financial assistance to States Victims of Aggression: Report of the third committee to the assembly
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)