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dc.contributor.authorShewale, Nanaji
dc.contributor.authorGokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India)
dc.contributor.authorNirdhar Yog Prabodhini, Jalgaon (India)
dc.publisherNirdhar Yog Prabodhini, Jalgaon (India)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLibrary Science SET (State Eligibility Test) / NET (National Eligibility Test) Workshop;
dc.subjectUniverse of Knowledge - Nature and Attributes; Modes of Formation of Subjectsen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Organisation - Classification – Theories, Cannons, and Principles; Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS), Taxonomies, Folksonomy, Trends in Classificationen_US
dc.subjectMapping of Subjects in Library Classification Schemes – DDC, UDC and CCen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Organisation: Cataloguing - Cannons and Principles; Centralized and Co-operative Catalogue; Library Cataloguing Codes: CCC and AACR - II.en_US
dc.subjectStandards of Bibliographic Record Formats and Description – ISBD, MARC 21, CCF, RDA, FRBR, Bibframeen_US
dc.subjectStandards for Bibliographic Information Interchange & Communication – ISO 2709, Z39.50, Z39.71en_US
dc.subjectMetadata Standards: Dublin Core; MARC21, METS, MODES, EADen_US
dc.subjectIndexing Systems and Techniques: Assigned - Pre-coordinate; Post-Coordinate; Derived- Title-based; Vocabulary Controlen_US
dc.subjectAbstracting – Types and Guidelinesen_US
dc.subjectInformation Retrieval System – Features, Components, Models and Evaluationen_US
dc.titleTalk on Knowledge Organization. Unit V for Library Science SET (State Eligibility Test) / NET (National Eligibility Test) Competitive Examination. Video Talken_US

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