Now showing items 1-10 of 33834
Economic history of the Bombay Deccan and Karnatak (1818-1868)
(Oriental Watchman Publishing House, Poona, 1945)
Economics of a multiple-purpose river dam: Report of an inquiry into the economic benefits of the Hirakud Dam
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Poona, 1960)
Report of the economic and wage commission (1925)
(Cape Times Limited, Government Printers, Cape Town, 1926)
Development of resources and of economic opportunity in the Pacific Northwest: Report of the Pacific Northwest regional planning commission to the National Resources Planning Board
(United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1942)
Report on the socio-economic survey of the Nagarjuna Sagar Project area
(Andhra University, Waltair, 1964)
Recovery: The second effort
(G Bell and Sons Ltd, London, 1932)
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year, 1931
(United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1932)
Trade union action for combatting and preventing the slump
(International Federation of Trade Unions, Paris, 1938)
Consumer market data
(Department of Trade and Commerce, Dominion Bureau of Statistics Internal Trade Branch, Ottawa, 1940)
Economic controls and commercial policy in Venezuela
(United States Tariff Commission, Washington, 1945)