GIPE Dissertations and Ph D Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 365
Natural Resource Abundance, poverty and Inequality (A case study of Iran)
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2018-06-22) -
Macro and Micro Dimensions of External Commercial Borrowings-Implications for Indian Economy
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2018-11-21) -
Political Economy of Fiscal Federalism in India
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2017) -
Financial Market Developments and Evolution of Interest Rate Channel of Monetary Transmission in India
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2019-01-12) -
Customer's Perception of Operational Risks of Traditional and E-Bank products of Select Banks in Goa : An Empirical Study
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2017-03-01) -
Theory of Personal Income Distribution
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2018-07-25) -
Anti-dumping: Indian experience and World Perspectives
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2017-11-29) -
Modernizing Deposit Insurance System in India
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2019-02-18) -
Contraceptive Practices and Unmet Need among Young Currently Married Rural Women in Empowered Action Group(EAG) States of India
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 2016-12-03) -
Distribution and consumption of cloth in India with special reference to Poona City
(Poona University, Poona, 1958) -
Labour recruitment and turnover in the textile industry of the Bombay Province
(Bombay University, Bombay, 1941) -
Survey of occupational and employment structures in some villages of Malbar (A) - Copy of the Thesis is not available with GIPE
(Bombay University, Bomay, 1949) -
Socio-Economic Survey of the Muslims of Poona - Copy of the Thesis is not available with GIPE
(Bombay University, Bomay, 1952) -
Survey of Weaving Communities in Sholapur, with special reference to Padmasalis - Copy of the Thesis is not available with GIPE
(Bombay University, Bomay, 1942) -
Studies in Municipal Finance in Bombay Presidency - Copy of the Thesis is not available with GIPE
(Bombay University, Bomay, 1943) -
Economic History of the Bombay Deccan (The) - Copy of the Thesis is not available with GIPE
(Bombay University, Bomay, 1941) -
Review of literature on some aspects of the impact of new technology on Indian agriculture
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 1979) -
Public enterprises in Nepal (With special reference to evolution and structure)
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 1979) -
Problems of tribal agriculture in India
(Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India), 1979)