Now showing items 1-10 of 85
Monthly summary of the League of Nations. Vol. VIII No. 9: Ninth ordinary session of the assembly
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Monthly summary of the League of Nations. Vol. VIII No. 12: Fifty-third session of the council Bolivia and Paraguay
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Monthly summary of the League of Nations. Vol. VIII No. 6: Fiftieth session of the council
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Monthly summary of the League of Nations. Vol. VIII No. 11: Review of the year, October 1927-1928
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Monthly summary of the League of Nations. Vol. VIII No. 8: Intellectual cooperation mandates Costa Rica and the Monroe doctrine
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Arbitration and security: Systematic survey of the arbitration conventions and treaties of mutual security deposited with the League of Nations: Prepared by the legal section of the Secretariat of the League of Nations in pursuance of the Council’s Resolutions of 12th December 1925
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Quarterly bulletin of information on the work of International Organisations compiled by the Section of International Bureaux
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)
Resolutions and recommendations adopted by the assembly during its Eighth Ordinary Session 5th to 27th September 1927
(League of Nations, Geneva, 1928)