Divekar, V D (Editor); Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India); Arumugam, M (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Benjamin, N (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Coyaji, Jeroo (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Dhavale, Shalini (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Jha, V N (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Joshi, Shripad (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Keskar, Anupama (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Kulkarni, S D (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Malhotra, Rita (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Mehta, M J (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Misra, B P (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Paithankar, R G (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Rairkar, Hemlata (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Rao, G N (Section Editor, Annotator, Indexer); Rath, Vimal (Classifier); Pore, S H (Press Editor); Gangal, Rajani (Typist); Pathak, Vaijayanti (Typist); Nilangekar, Anjali (Typist); Phadke, N G (Typist) (Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune (India)Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New DelhiDandekar, V M, 1979)