Discussion at Gokhale Institute
Discussion at Gokhale Institute:
The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics is organizing a public discussion on ‘The challenges before India and expectations from the new government’ at the seminar hall of the institute on May 13. The purpose of this session is to have an informed debate on various issues with regards to the society and public policies that the new government should pursue to attain the objectives enshrined in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution. A panel comprising an economy analyst, environment/ecology experts, social activist and representatives of agriculture, industry and service sector will initiate the debate that will followed by an open discussion. Source: http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Repository/getFiles.asp?Style=OliveXLib:LowLevelEntityToPrint_TOINEW&Type=text/html&Locale=english-skin-custom&Path=TOIPU/2014/05/12&ID=Ar00703
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